San Diego Bicycle Accident Attorney
Seriously injured in a bicycle accident?
As gas prices continue to increase, sedentary lifestyles leave people in need of more exercise, and a growing concern for environmentalism is mounting, many people are turning to bicycles are their main form of transportation. These trusty vehicles not only create a more healthy way of living, they save immense amounts of money to those who have left their car back in the garage. Cyclists can unfortunately bear an increased burden of risk as they share the road with larger vehicles. Even a well-protected and observant bike rider can be subjected to serious lacerations, organ damage, broken bones, spinal cord injury, and injuries to the head and neck when a careless driver hits them. Fortunately, understanding legal help is available to bicycle accident victims from a San Diego personal injury lawyer.
What are some of the main causes of a bicycle accident? They can include motorists who:
- Misjudge distance or get to close to a cyclist
- Follow a bike rider too closely
- Is distracted by cell phones or activity in their vehicle
- Ignores stop signs and traffic signals
- Is driving recklessly or too fast for weather and road conditions
- Fails to check blond spots and mirrors
Car and truck drivers must be diligent in their duty of care to others on the road. Since bicyclists have limited protection, a careless automobile driver can cause life-changing injury and damage to those who are simply trying to cut down on congestion and stay healthier.
Bicycle Accident Lawyer in San Diego
Insurance companies and negligent drivers will do all they can to mitigate their responsibilities in a bicycle accident, but the stalwart legal action provided by the Law Office of Bruce C. Bridgman can ensure that avenues to compensation are fully pursued. As a person works to recover from serious injury, their firm can be invaluable in providing aggressive representation and close, personal, and communicative client care.
Help is available to victims at all hours. Contact a San Diego bicycle accident attorney today.