Truck Accident Attorney in San Diego
Legal Care for Those Impacted by Trucking Accidents
The trucking industry is important to the lives of everyone in this country. Each day these powerful trucks criss-cross all 50 states, delivering consumer goods and items that are crucial to the basic needs of families. Millions of cars must share the highway system each day with these massive vehicles, and when accidents occur, they can be profoundly damaging. An untrained, distracted or impaired truck driver can put everyone at risk. And a poorly maintained truck can wreak havoc on smaller vehicles and the fragile human body. If one is injured in a truck accident, immediate contact should be made with a San Diego personal injury lawyer that can provide crucial advice and counsel.
Commercial trucks can weigh upwards of 80 tons when fully loaded - some 20 times heavier than the normal automobile. With average lengths of 70-80 feet, these vehicles simply do not handle with the same dexterity as a car. Blind spots can be significant, and their ability to accelerate or decelerate is challenged by their sheer size. A truck driver should be properly trained and should not be pushed to carry long hauls without rest. A company's profit margin, when it takes precedence over safety, is a dangerous thing. When these conditions occur, it can greatly increase the chance of a horrible accident. While many drivers and trucking companies are professional in their behavior, it is those who act recklessly and negligently that must be brought to justice.
San Diego Truck Accident Lawyer
The Law Office of Bruce C. Bridgman has the experience and tenacity that a client needs to vigorously pursue financial damages after a truck accident. Their attorneys understand a person's needs for recovery and know that high medical bills, unwanted changes to lifestyle and lost income can put someone in an untenable position.
When someone needs aggressive legal counsel in the pursuance of compensation, they should contact a San Diego truck accident attorney immediately.